Isnin, 25 Jun 2012

Parking; Not At Par

Star Q

I remember when I was a student, a long time ago, I used to respect the teachers and every thing associated with them.  I mean I would respect their comments, the way they taught me (even though I may disagree at time!) and I even respected their tables in the teachers' common room; to the extent that I would feel scared even to enter the room!

However, times have passed ever so quickly.  Then again, times may have passed but I feel that the respect for teachers should always be there.  This is because I feel that the relationship between teachers and students is based on respect because without it there is really no relationship.  

Jumaat, 22 Jun 2012

Hermit Crabs : Are We?

Star Q

You know, I initially felt like the proverbial hermit crab (or umang-umang in Bahasa Malaysia!) when we were instructed to move into the old primary school building, which had been abandoned for two years (maybe more!)  The previous owners, i.e. the original hermit crabs, had moved on to greener pastures with better accommodation and facilities.

Khamis, 21 Jun 2012

Cikgu-cikgu Pindah

Star Q

Pada 14hb Jun 2012, Kelab Staf SMKTAR telah mengadakan jamuan perpisahan bagi meraikan rakan-rakan guru yang akan berpindah.  Seramai enam orang rakan akan berpindah, termasuklah yang akan berpindah ke kampung halaman masing-masing.

Isnin, 18 Jun 2012

Lawatan ke Parlimen Sesi 2012

Star Q

Se bahagian daripada pelajar Pra-U yang menyertai lawatan.

Sekolah baru sahaja dua hari dibuka, namun memandangkan rancangan telah lebih awal diatur, maka pada 13hb Jun 2012, unit Pra-U SMKTAR telah untuk kesekian kalinya menganjurkan lawatan sambil belajar ke Parlimen.  Se ramai 63 orang pelajar dengan diiringi 8 orang guru telah terlibat dalam lawatan tersebut.  Untuk sesi lawatan tahun ini, penulis tidak turut serta kerana keadaan kesihatan yang tidak mengizinkan.  Tambahan pula, penulis merasakan sudah cukup lah tiga kali sebelum ini turut serta dalam lawatan itu.

Khamis, 14 Jun 2012

A Young Friend : A Poem

Star Q

The joys of childhood, if one laments
Is full of colours and joyful laughter
Happiness it seems, fulfills all moments
Each day offers a new encounter
Of charming days
and childhood ways

Jumaat, 8 Jun 2012

End of Holiday : A Poem

Star Q

School holidays to me, I think
Can disappear in just one blink
Especially when you're having such fun
What fun?  There's actually none!

Marking papers, day in day out
That's what holiday is all about
Essays, summaries and litcoms to grade
I have nightmares when I go to bed

Moving furniture and books and what have you
From the old school building to the not so new
We didn't want to; we tried to resist
We lost when the boss said "I insist!"

Then there's the daughter who went to college
Sending her was tiring; not counting the mileage
Of course, anything for your children's future
Even if it means increased expenditure!

In spite of all that, I do agree
I had some rest, to a certain degree
But all too late I soon discover
That the holidays is finally over!

Isnin, 4 Jun 2012

Tempat yang ditinggalkan

Star Q

Isnin lalu seluruh warga Pra-U telah berpindah ke bangunan baru yang sebenarnya bangunan lama (macam mana nak cakap ya?)  Tapi setakat ini belum ada lagi kelihatan usaha-usaha untuk mengemas dan menyusun perabut dan fail-fail yang dipindahkan.  Adakah semua itu akan tunggu pada hari pertama persekolahan semester kedua pada 11hb Jun 2012 nanti? (lagi tak tahu nak cakap?)