Khamis, 14 Jun 2012

A Young Friend : A Poem

Star Q

The joys of childhood, if one laments
Is full of colours and joyful laughter
Happiness it seems, fulfills all moments
Each day offers a new encounter
Of charming days
and childhood ways

The joys of childhood, if one laments
Is indeed something so temporary
Without warnings or even comments
Can, in an instant, become a memory
Of life so cautious
and love so precious

The joys of childhood, if one laments
Only to the young, should they belong
who harbour no ills or sentiments
But fate can take a turn that's wrong
Of life, that's clear
So young and dear

The joys of childhood, if one laments
Will stand steadfast in the young and old
And when one day, sadness torments
We will endure the wind and cold
Of the life we share
and the children we care

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