Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Results for MUET July 2012

Star Q

Something out of the ordinary happened yesterday (21st September 2012) when the school's senior assistant requested that the results for this year's MUET be given during an assembly.  So, in accordance to his instructions, the results were given write after the Yaasin recitation ceremony.

To say that the results were a total surprise is the understatement of the year.  I got dumbfounded reactions from two MUET teachers (one other seems to be a bit isolated!) who never expected such results.  Of course, teachers being who they are, expected more from their students.  But, I guess, at the end of the day, the students were the ones who sat for the examinations.  If they had their teachers to spoon feed them the ideas and answers during classes, the examination would have seen them hungry for answers!

However, we should still be grateful because there was still one student who got band 4 and four others who got band 3.  To the rest of the students, if you feel you can do better by taking the exam a second time, then by all means take it.  And with a little extra (and serious!) effort, you may just do better, Insya Allah.

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