Ahad, 6 Mei 2012

Pre-U Resource Center : Renovation in Progress

Star Q

Even though today is Sunday, a few of our very hardworking Pre-U girls have agreed to lend a helping hand (much appreciated!) in painting the newly acquired room which has now been called the Pre-U Resource Center.  The activity of painting the room was initiated by Pn Siti Helena Malawi (I jokingly suggested that the center be named Al-Malawi Resource Center!)

Anyway, when I reached there at about 11.00 a.m. the girls were busy painting the white paint for the coat.  I made a few trips back home and to the shop.  First trip was to the shops, to firstly buy the girls some packet drinks and secondly to buy some masking tape to ease the painting of the boundaries.  Next, I dashed home to get a long piece of wood to attached to the paint roller because the girls couldn't reach the high walls.

The third trip was back home again to get the girls some fish chips for them to nibble on and also my camera to immortalise their hardwork.  However, when I got there, the girls had already gone back to their hostel for lunch.  Hence, the humanless picture of the resource center above.

I am certain it will take us some time before the renovation is completed.  But, whatever it is, we shall strive on!  Go STAR Pre-U!!!

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